Since Eli was about 4 weeks old he has lived a very disciplined life; I have kept him on a schedule even when ridiculed for doing so, he has eaten fruits and vegetables and practically NO sugar even though there has been ridicule for that also, and there are things that he isn’t allowed to do; we try our best to make sure that he is living within very healthy, safe boundaries. People have called us crazy, told us to give in, don’t let him cry it out, don’t take away his pacy, don’t keep him on a schedule, give him sugar, let him eat that, let him do that… even in the face of peer pressure, we have stood strong. The result? A baby who sleeps almost 12 hours per night, takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon, who is happy about 95% of the time, eats his veggies and LOVES fruit, and who has very quickly learned the word “no”. While this might seem like a brag session, it’s really not! My point is actually the complete opposite of bragging… my point is more a question, why is it so hard for me to lead a disciplined life when it comes so natural for me to keep Eli’s life so disciplined? I mean, Eli is on a schedule, has a very good diet, and knows what “no” means… all of the structure and discipline in his life really makes his life positive and happy! I see the discipline in his life and the positive results and yet, I find it so hard to add discipline to my life. I know that eating better, going to the gym, and taking better care of myself will yield a happier, healthier, and yes, sexier me; all of which are important to me and yet I lack self-control and discipline!
This occurred to me the other night at Dairy Queen of all places… Eli rarely has sweets and by rarely, I mean almost NEVER to my knowledge!! So, we thought after his very healthy dinner and playtime outside that a few bites of ice cream would be a nice treat after a hot summer day. So, off to Dairy Queen we went and a few bites of ice cream is exactly what he had. The funny thing is that after about 5 teeny tiny bites of vanilla ice cream, which he thoroughly enjoyed, he was finished and said “up”. Up is Eli’s word for done and signifies that he wants out of his highchair. My 13 month old son exhibited self-control!! Not that he knew what he was doing but he knew that he had enough ice cream and he was done. He ate his treat and that was simply enough… he didn’t need a gigantic portion. Lesson to be learned here… Mommy needs to live a more disciplined life!!! Mommy needs to learn self-control!!
My plan to lead a more disciplined life... I bought some apples at the store tonight and tomorrow I’m going to eat one in my lunch that I will be taking from home, not purchasing at a restaurant. I will also be visiting the gym for at least 30 minutes instead of telling myself the same old excuse that I don’t have time!
“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF CONTROL” Galatians 5:23
Here are a few pictures from our DQ treat and from our Memorial Day!!