What are the big rocks in our lives? What should the big rocks in our lives be? These big rocks, better known as our priorities are whatever we’re spending our time, energy, and resources on. I was recently given the opportunity to examine my priorities and I can tell you… the big rocks weren’t fitting into my jar because my jar was too full of the things of lesser importance.
What should the big rocks be? God? Family? Marriage? Work? Friends? Hobbies? Vacationing? Money? Sleep? Paying off debt? School? Church? Volunteer work? How do you determine what your big rocks should be when so many things seem important and your life (and the people in it) pull you in a thousand different directions each day? I took some time today to think and pray about what the big rocks should be in my life when it occurred to me that I first needed a mission statement for my life. A mission statement is a summary describing the aims, values, and overall plan of an organization or individual. What are my values, my aims, my overall plan for me? More importantly, what is God’s values, aims, and overall plan for me? That’s when I created a working mission statement… followed it with what the big rocks in my life should be which each support the mission statement. Each big rock gives reasons why, scripture that shows it’s value, and a plan of action. I also included 5 things that must get done that aren’t a part of these rocks so we will consider that the gravel, and 5 things that must be limited, we will call that the sand. My plan (not all of it because it’s long and some of it personal) is listed below… what’s your plan? I found that my life was running me… I wasn’t talking to God and determining how I was supposed to be following Him in running mine. With His help, I have said the final goodbye to that way of living and I am on my way to leading a more effective, productive, joyful, and fruit filled life attached to the vine (“I am the vine; you’re the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit because you can do nothing without me.” John 15:5)
My working Mission Statement: To live the life that God has blessed me with to the fullest by walking hand in hand in relationship with Him as He guides me and directs my steps. To share His love with the world through a life of Christian discipleship… I want to immolate and exude Christ and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. To live this life and LOVE like I mean it!! To be the Katie that Jesus Christ has called me to be!My Big Rocks:
1) God
a. Why? Because apart from Him I am and can do nothing! John 15:5
2) Marriage
a. Why? Because God has blessed me with a husband whom I love and who loves me and I am to be his helper. Genesis 2, Ephesians 5, 1 Corinthians 13, Proverbs 31 (and many others)
3) Eli
a. Why? He is our blessing from God as well as our responsibility. “Start off children in the way they should go and even when they are old they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
4) Family & Friends
a. Why? Because loneliness stinks!! God blesses us with family and friends so that we can be encouraged and have support. Jesus showed this example in the disciples…
5) School
a. Why? Keeping my eye on the prize … must obtain degree to go onto the bigger things that God has in store.
6) Weight Loss
a. Why? To be healthier and fit to do God’s work as well as enjoy my time with Eli to the fullest. “Do you not know that your bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit…” 1 Corinthians 6:19
5 Things that Must Happen:
Housework, Bill paying, Mary Kay, Sleep, church work!
5 Things that Must Be Limited:
Facebook, Television, Magazines, Sleep, and hobbies
Thanks for reading my thoughts! God Bless!