Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blood Water Mission - Put Down Your Soda and Build a Well!!

Here is what I spoke briefly about on facebook. Lent begins tomorrow, February 22nd. If you are a friend of mine who doesn't observe lent, I'm in no way suggesting that you shouldn't join me also!! I think everyone should... think of the domino effect that would take place if everyone reading this put down their soda or other drink of choice and took up water for 40 days! We take water for granted (I'm a top notch offender!) and I am committing to remember that water isn't a luxury that everyone has. Imagine if tomorrow when you went to give your child a drink that is was filthy and full of bacteria, how horrible would that be. What if someone could do something about it but instead they went about their day ignoring the problem, chugging soda, and acting as if drinking clean water was a chore they must suffer through. I am that person, I have a lot of friends that are that person. Are we sinning in this choice? I'm not going to answer that question, I'm simply going to say two things that Jesus said, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." and "whatever you do to the least of these, you have done unto me." If you plan to participate, please let me know, I want to see how wide we can get this thing to spread... just so we can look back and see how much a difference it makes to put down the soda and pick up the water... how much money does it free up for the use for the kingdom?Blessings and happy water drinking!!
We don't think about it - really. On the way to work, we swing by our favorite coffee shop to grab that jolt to get us started. After a workout, we slurp a blended fruit smoothie to sustain us. In the evening, we get together with friends over beverages to celebrate the end of another day.

What if we didn't have those choices? What if water was the only option to sustain us? And what if we had to walk miles to get water - only to have a water source that is contaminated and full of disease?

Choose to make tap water your only beverage for 40 Days between March 9 - April 23 to help Blood:Water Mission provide clean water for people in Africa who don't have a choice.

By giving up what you'd normally drink in exchange for the water from your tap you can save that money to help build clean water projects for communities in Uganda.

So ditch the morning coffee and o.j., leave out the lunchtime soda, and cancel the evening beverage. You won't need an ark for this 40 Days of Water, but you will need a little self-discipline and maybe a few friends to join you. But we know you can do it, because you know who you're doing it for. Make the choice.

Check back soon for more info and how to sign up!

***So why is Forty Days actually 46 days long?
Forty Days follows the traditional Lenten season calendar which consist of 40 fast days and 6 sabbath rest days. So essentially you get one day a week off, most people take Sunday off. How you choose to observe Forty Days is up to you.

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