Friday, September 28, 2012

3 Months Left ~ Let's Do This

Yesterday as I was enjoying a cup of coffee and that beautiful feeling of fall that I wait for every year; it occurred to me that the year is almost over! What have I done with it? What did I want to do with it? 365 days have almost passed, did I accomplish any of the things I had wanted to? I pulled up my 2012 Bucket List and the results are less than pleasing...

2012 Bucket List:

Big Rock #1 - God
1. Read the entire Bible - In progress... thank the Lord for Bible in 90 Days!
2. Have at least 30 minutes of quiet time everyday (prayer and Bible study) FAIL
3. Ask God to show me where I can help others and be intentional about sharing the salvation message!! FAIL
4. Find a way to feed hungry people (don't know what this looks like but it's weighing on my heart) FAIL
Big Rock #2- Tommy (our marriage)
5. 365 days of notes (simple I love you or I appreciate you because... written on a post note) FAIL
6. Daily Check in/ devotional time (no phones, no television, after the munchkin is asleep!) Not daily but often
7. Monthly hot date! 
8. 2 night camping trip (just the two of us) FAIL
Big Rock #3- Eli
9. 1 hour of outside time each day that I don't have school - Not daily but more often
10. Daily devotional time with the God and Me book I gave him for Christmas - FAIL
11. Research and enroll Eli in a pre k 2 year old program
12. Take a trip to the ATL Aquariaum and Zoo - JAX
13. Visit WA once per week (when they are open)
Big Rock #4- Health and Fitness 
14. Lose 75 pounds - I have lost 22 pounds... I won't reach a loss of 75 this year but I am hoping to reach a loss of at least 45. This isn't a total fail.
15. 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week FAIL... But I went to the gym this morning and rocked it out.
16. Walk in the Boston mini marathon - Hasn't happened yet, but it will!
17. Take 1 hr for myself each week
18. Give up Diet Coke FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL
Big Rock #5- School
19. Finish all classes that I register for
20. Maintain a 3.0 GPA
Big Rock #6- Mary Kay
21. Become a star consultant
21. Earn a red jacket - SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT
Big Rock #7- Church Work
22. Complete Lay Speaker Certification - Happening this month
23. Complete The Christian as a Minister - FAIL
24. Continue to embrace the role of pastor's wife
Big Rock #8- Close Friends
25. Stay connected via e mail and facebook
26. Stay involved in weekly Bible Study
Big Rock #9- Finances
27. Pay off credit card - Paid down $1200 but still have some to go! 
28. Pay off hospital bill
29. sell Tahoe
30. Learn to coupon - NOPE
31. Read 6 books 

As you can see, there is a lot that I haven't done. While I have succeeded in some areas, I have failed miserably in others. What did you want to do this year? Have you done it all? Have you made the most of the time that you have been given? If not, there is good news! We have 3 months left! We can live them on purpose; make the most of every moment! Let's get busy and live like we're dying... lets not look at this list on December 31st and go, man, I wasted this year... next year I'll do it different. Let's close out 2012 with a bang!! :)

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