* When he feels like someone isn't paying attention to him (usually in the car in between random conversations...) he starts singing bible songs... when you don't acknowledge his singing... he sings LOUDER!!
* He is in an EXTREME mommy phase right now! Won't let Daddy put him to bed, wants me to do everything with him and take him everywhere, he tells me he misses me when I leave the room for 2 seconds... he even refuses to give hugs to other people sometimes, and the other day, told his Aunt KK to go away... it's crazy and exahusting but... I am treasuring that I am his best friend and he is my baby... I was told when I found out he was a boy that boys LOVE their mama's and I am finding out it's oh so true!
* He can now count to twenty with no help!
* He can spell his name and tell you his last name. As well as my name and Tommy's.
* He is 36" tall and can ride a mini roller coaster at Wild Adventures and thinks it's the best!
* He stays dry all of the time now, no more diapers, even at night! Such a big boy... I'm so proud!
* His favorite song is "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and he loves it when we sing together.
* He loves the library and his favorite books (besides his Bible) are the Llama Llama books.
* He loves swinging and can sniff out a toddler swing from a mile away!
* He can hit a ball with a bat when you throw it to him, not just off the tee.
* He loves to play chase (where I am always a bear and he is a tiger), he loves to be scared, and he loves to hide and seek (although he doesn't really get the counting concept)
* His favorite foods are strawberries, hotdogs, peanut butter and jelly sushi, milk, and fruit snacks.
* He does get the occasional treat of ice cream or a cookie but he still isn't allowed to have juice, soda, or tea... and I'm very okay with that... he loves milk and he asks for water and that makes my heart happy that he will be healthier than me!
* Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse are a staple during tv time... and watching Lady and the Tramp in Mommy's bed is almost a nightly before bed ritual (although not the whole thing... we've seen the first 15 minutes about 1000 times!)
There is so much more but this is all I'm going to leave you with for now! He's a big growing boy and we're extremely blessed! I wanted to share a few pictures of our family day today. We went to Moe's to see Uncle Pookey and Aunt KK and then we went to the Tallahassee Museum... sweaty but oh so much fun!!
He was so ready for his Uncle Pookey to get there!
There at last!!
And then KK too!!
Drenched in sweat but having a really good time at the museum!
Daddy & E
Playing with the dinosaurs (his favorite) in the air conditioning (my favorite!)
The really long snakes!
Going down the slide together.
This playground was made for 5-12 year olds and E did it without any help!
SO indpendent... wonder where he gets that from?!
See what I mean about swings?
Daddy's shoulders are the best!
We ended the day with a rare treat... a pizza party picnic!
I had publix sushi, the boys had publix pizza... it was fun!
Blurry but cute! :)
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